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Title presentation type Surname Country Datesort ascending Start time Venue
Dealing with AV media and digital files in the Swedish Media Database at the National Library of Sweden spoken Johansson SWEDEN 8 OCTOBER MONDAY 14:00 Conference Room 1
The Digital Object of Desire: Cognition and Access spoken Das Gupta INDIA 7 OCTOBER SUNDAY 10:30 Conference Room 1
The "training for trainers program" in Mexico and Colombia, Switzerland and Austria as part of the “Ibermemoria platform” spoken Hegewisch MEXICO 7 OCTOBER SUNDAY 14:30 Conference Room 2
Preserving 78-rpm records : what conclusions ? Six years of research at the French National Library spoken Loyant FRANCE 7 OCTOBER SUNDAY 13:30 Conference Room 1
Access for all? spoken Belt NORWAY 7 OCTOBER SUNDAY 15:30 Conference Room 1
Talking to Former Tape Manufacturers spoken Schüller AUSTRIA 7 OCTOBER SUNDAY 13:30 Conference Room 1
