Devising Institutional Access Principles
Indiana University has embarked on a campus-wide Media Preservation Initiative to
digitally preserve several hundred thousand time-based media holdings on the
Bloomington campus. One aspect of our planning for a centralize media preservation
production facility has been the articulation of a set of media access principles.
These 15 principles appear alongside 13 preservation principles in "Meeting the
Challenge of Media Preservation" (2011) the planning document created by a
campus task force involving representatives from media holding units, the library
system, and the university technology infrastructure. Over the past year, the access
principles have been the basis for further discussion as we move to turn the
principles into concrete recommendations about infrastructure, staff, and policies.
This presentation with briefly outline our access principles and report on the issues
we have encountered as we work towards action on our principles. The presentation
will also discuss the ways in which our principles may or may not align with other
institutions in general and research archives in particular.