Evolving the archival space – changing needs of access and dissemination
The Archives and Research Centre for Ethnomusicology carried out a project entitled
Archives and Community Partnership for over 3 years in Goa and Rajasthan in India. It
was an attempt at creating a model by which we aimed to partner musicians and
communities in the documentation and archiving of their musical traditions, discuss
their ideas on ownership and how they wish to safeguard their intellectual property
that take in account moral and ethical rights and try to create economic models that
empower them and assist in sustaining the traditions.
The project has generated 500 hours of recordings. The materials are being
disseminated through a website, a CD series, an Android mobile application, and
programs on Community Radio.
This paper will deal with this project’s implications for the archival space, and the
successes, failures, and the extent to which this project has impacted our ideas on access and dissemination.